أخبار ساخنة

رسالة الى الرئيس بوش

الرئيس بوش ماذا تفعل بالعراق الى الان لقد اتضح كذبك على العالم بما فيهم الشعب الامريكى كل يوم يسقط المئات هنا وهناك وانت جالس وتظهر باالاحاديث الابتسامة على وجهك وكانك لايهمك سقوط الجنود والمدنين وبعد ان اتضح للعالم ان العراق لايوجد بة اسلحة دمار شامل لماذا انت هناك وضح لنا استاذ بوش لقد اصبح العراق بعد تشريفك لة واحة كبيرة للقتل وتعلم الارهاب الذى تزعم انك تحاربة اصبحت ارض العراق حمراء اللون من كثرة سقوط المئات من الابرياء على ارضها اموات اى حرية تريد نشرها عن طريق الحرب لاحرية بالحرب تاتى لقد بان كذبك على العالم لماذا لاتترك العراق لااهلها لتوفير المال حتى يستفاد بة شعبك كما ترحم الجنود الامريكان والمدنين العراقين من الموت كل يوم لقد اصبحت يدك ملوثة بالدماء هل تريد فتنام اخرى حتى تخرج لااعرف كيف تفكر

Tamer Nabil Moussa


8 تعليقات
إرسال تعليق
  • Ayyam photo
    Ayyamالاثنين, فبراير 27, 2006

    وأسفاه على شعب العراق. تخلصوا من معزه طلعلهم حمار كبير.
    Bush doesn’t think or listen to anyone especially when it comes to Iraq’s issue. You see the man is on a mission and the only reason for this man to stay in Iraq is freedom! He is determined to get it for “from“ Iraqi people, no matter what it takes. I guess you think I am crazy! Well what freedom I am talking about!!! It is the freedom of having other people money, he is there “now” to free or protect the oil from the terrorist. That takes so long time Tamer!. The freedom as we know it doesn’t exist in Bush’s vocabulary. He actually doesn’t give a rat ass about “ true freedom” even for American people. He can spy on then, forgot them when they were desperate for help (hurricane Katrina). He is an evil and unfortunately “stupid man” thought oil is for free! American believed him because the lure of money closed their minds. For love of money they will believe the next president when he says: well now my dear fellow Americans, we need to protect our interest in that region we must protect “our oil” from falling in the hands of those Iraqi terrorists.

    Tamer, it seems to me that, in history there are some windows of opportunities that comes for Nations in certain periods! Arab, miraculously, missed most of those periods. Let’s hope that there are still some chances that we can cling on for a better future Inshaallah.

    Tamer I share you the disappointments over the killing of innocent people and all these crimes and atrocities, may god brings peace to this troubled region in the near future somehow. Amen!

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    • Tamer Nabil Moussa photo
      Tamer Nabil Moussaالاثنين, فبراير 27, 2006

      The dear holds true of the days of the government on level of the world with some of we became low , Egypt , for example was present at the disease of the birds let the government do well 's opportunity the people forget the boat I adhere plunged hundreds of the human just as Bush's work raked in the event of the catastrophe the tornado let forget a branch what is he doesing in Iraq and he forgets the mothers there the death of the soldiers is very playful makes play her the government and the loss the peoples defeated on her stupid we desire the reform of the world from the God and a dear sincere is welcome to you! he was lighted he was honored the position always

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      • Noushy Syah photo
        Noushy Syahالاثنين, فبراير 27, 2006

        Dear Tamer....

        And Bush said :-
        The good news is, and its hard for some to see it now in that one of the chaos is oging to come a fantastic grief coast, like it was before. Out of the rubble of Trent Lott's house- he'll cost his entire house, there's going to be a fantastic house.
        And I'm looking forward to sitting in the pouch{laughter}.And while he touring the hurricane damaged Alabama on sept.2, 2005 he said,

        I'm trying to lead by example,
        1) Flee the scene
        2)assess the situation from far
        3}Return when safe!!

        SO you see Tamer, this is the US president that we are talking about!! Agghhhh...can you imagine a president will said that?? Not all the citizen voted for him though..and again politics is alwayz dirty!!!

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        • Noushy Syah photo
          Noushy Syahالاثنين, فبراير 27, 2006

          some typo should be read as--->.....the chaos is going to come a fantastic grief coast, like it was before.

          That's how it should be read.

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          • Tamer Nabil Moussa photo
            Tamer Nabil Moussaالاثنين, فبراير 27, 2006

            He lived in comfort and luxury was agreed proper how long Bush disproves 's moan on the world to the future 's moan feels sorry for a blood money since a president to enter upon morning for United States American and he draws the world to the destruction and still he crushes the atabals of the war and like moan of a child he plays and when he speaks to branch she/you is useful the smile for moan by her he flatters a craven there Iraq he speaks and says by the lying a talk till he masks the branch of a moan in the right and far from a tellers of the hollow as for him a recent doesn't see on Bush from the days an addict was for the smothers from certain that she has she the effect of an attic An attic to I/he soften he annihilates the world he annihilates the respite of the world he wants the peace Bush the pride wants the war I adhere He is from the recognition I adhere 's fall becomes necessary to honor another desire the life peacefully from day of a presence Bush and the national lawfulness died I thank you for many from spanker

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            • Tamer Nabil Moussa photo
              Tamer Nabil Moussaالأربعاء, مارس 01, 2006

              هلا نيرفانا اخبارك اية

              وين التعليق

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                • غير معرفالجمعة, فبراير 23, 2007

                  That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

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