أخبار ساخنة

اتمنى الجميع ان يتعلم الدرس جيداا

لو ياخذون من حياته عبرة يتلخصون منها الاحكام النهائية المنتظرة وصلاحية ولاياتهم متى تنتهي وكيف كم كان هذا الرئيس المعدوم في صباح هذا العيد ربيبهم
والذي قدم الى كل المسلمين كاضحية وهيدية عيد للجميع كم قوي بهم ودعم شوكته بحكم تامرهم الخسيس على المنطقة برمتها
كم انصاع هالكا شعبه وبلاده تحت عباءتهم وبإيحاء من تشجيعهم ومده الدائم بغيه وتسلطه على الرقاب ظلما كم لعبوا به كقطعة الشطرنج ارتفعوا به كثيرا ثم رموه في الهاوية واكلوه هو والبلاد قطعة قطعة الى ان وصلوا و اكلوا راسه شر اكلة
نعم كل من يتعامل معهم له يوما اميركا ليست بحاجة الى الحكام الا بقدر ما يكونوا جسرا للوصول وليس بحاجة الى شعوبنا الا قرابين تضحية لمصلحة الهمينة الاسرائيلية ولمصلحة الفكر الصهيوني الذي يرى شعوب المنطقة كلها قرابين تعد لمصلحة معركة هجمردون الموعودة
فقط لو يقراون التلمود واخر ما يتوسع به الفكر الصهيوني وما يحضر له بانشاء العديد من الجمعيات السرية العالمة كلها وبوسائل مختلفة الى الوصول لمثل هذه الغاية والذي دخلها حكامنا ولم يعد باستطاعتهم التراجع عنهم كثيرت الضغوط الى درجة الاستبداد
فصار بعضهم بيع الاخ العربي اكثر شرفا فه واقل دفعا للثمن وهو لايدري الثمن الاخير الذي ينتظره وسيدفعهنعم لو يقرا الجميع هذا الفكر ويعروفون اميركا و الى اين هي ماضية مع اسرائيل وما هي اخر متسعات تخطيطاتها الهيمنية لو يقراوون ما ذا يدبرون ليس للمنطقة فحسب بل للعالم اجمع
وكيف نحن في بركب اعمالهم نسير حسب مخطاط ترضي وتخدم غاياتهم فهم يسعون ويرسمون الى ما بعد عشرين سنة واربعين سنة بمخططات مدروسة احيانا يرمون فيه الجزر الى الشعوب واحيانا يحملون عصا التانيب حسب ما تقتضيه الخطة ريثما ينتهون من مسائل كثيرةوالكل في سير حسن يؤدي بانهاية الى المكان الذي رسموهفقط لو يدرون حكامنا وشعوبنا ويتذكرون ان العمر قصير لا داعي للانسان ان يتجرد فيه من قيمه الانسانية اولا ولا الاسلامية او العربية او ما يحمي كرامته في هذا
العمر القصير
ليت الجميع يقفون عند مفترق ما حدث ا ليوم يحسبونها ببساطة وعقلانية
ويتذكرون من دفع هذا الرئيس الى الحرب الايرانية ؟؟؟؟؟
من دفعه الى الحرب الكويتية ثانيا؟؟؟؟
ليتهم يفكرون بشكل جدي وينطلقون بفكر اكثر حكمة بعيد عن منطق التعصب الاعمى المتهور الذ ي ياكل فيه الانسان من لحم اخيه ويطغى دون حسيب او رقيب
راح صدام نتيجة صداقتة لاامريكا وتنفيذ كل ما تتطلب منة وقد انتهى دورة فى المسرحية فكان ما كان هل نتعلم الدرس ام لا
اختيار يوم الاعدام الا ترون فية رسالة فى النهاية نقول الله يرحمة لايجوز علية سوى الرحمة
واتمنى الا ارى اخر فية يوم اخر مكانة وهذا ليس مستبعد فاصدقاء الامس اعداء اليوم
Tamer Nabil Moussa


24 تعليقًا
إرسال تعليق
  • غير معرفالسبت, ديسمبر 30, 2006

    كلامك مضبوط لان أمريكا طول عمرها كدة زي ما كانت زمان بتساعد بن لادن و القاعدة و دلوقتي حولتهم بقدرة قادر لارهابيين و دخلت علي حسهم افغانستان و عاملة حرب علي الارهاب لتحقيق أطماعها..الخ
    ربنا ياخدهم و كل عام و أنت بخير

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    • غير معرفالأحد, ديسمبر 31, 2006

      شوف بقى

      رغم البوست ماينفعش يتعيد تحته

      بس بردو كل سنة وانت طيب

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      • بنت الشاميه photo
        بنت الشاميهالأحد, ديسمبر 31, 2006

        صحيح يجب ان نفهم ونعي الدرس جيدا ولكن نحتاج الي معلم واسع المدارك لينقل الصورة الواضحهويشرحها جيدا ولا يكون ضيق ومخدود الفكر
        انا اطلب لو سمحت لي ان تعيد فهمك مرة اخري لهذا الدرس او ان تغير المدرسوعلي العموم عيدك مبارك وكل سنه وانت طيب

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        • Tamer Nabil Moussa photo
          Tamer Nabil Moussaالثلاثاء, يناير 02, 2007

          micheal mohsen

          ربنا يسمع منك ويا خدهم

          وكل سنة وانت طيب


          اعمل اية ما هو الحدث اللى فرض نفسة

          وكل سنة وانتى طيبة وبصحة وسلامة

          بنت الشامية

          طيب فين المعلم دة ايدك على اية لااحسن احنا فى احتياج لية

          وانتى طيبة وبصحة وسلامة

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          • غير معرفالأربعاء, يناير 03, 2007

            العزيز تامر

            الحقيقة المرة ان من يحالف امريكا نهايته سيئة ومن يعادى امريكا نهايته اسواء وتعددت الطرق والنهاية واحدة هو حبل المشنقة وانهيار الامة
            من السبب نحن ام امريكا حليفة الشيطان على الارض ما تنفك تبث سمومها فى بقاع الارض لتفتت عضد امة وتدمر تكتل شعبى لتترك الارض بلا حياه

            وكلنا شهود عيان


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            •   Mariam Galal photo
              Mariam Galalالجمعة, يناير 05, 2007

              انا كل ما ادخل بلوج اقول نفس الكلمة لانى بصراحة مش لاقية غيرها .. وتقريبا انت البوست بتاعك اقرب من كلامى شوية

              وهو اننا اخدنا درس من اللى حصل

              فى مسرحية انتهى الدرس يا غبى محمد صبحى حط ايدة على الجرح . قال ( لو الواحد عقلة بيضلم لما بينضرب على قفاة فيبقى حلها الوحيد اننا كلنا نرفض اننا ننضرب على قفانا )وطبعا دة مبيحصلش

              بعد ما اتفرجت على مشهد اعدام الانسانية ( اعدام صدام ) رغم انى مش من مؤيدى صدام .. حسيت بصوت جاى لى من بعيد بيقولى ... انتهى الدرس يا هبلة ..قومى مش طالبة هبل هيا


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              • غير معرفالجمعة, فبراير 02, 2007

                عاش ظالما ومات بطلا


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                • غير معرفالجمعة, فبراير 02, 2007

                  جميله اوي مواضيعك يا تامر


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                                • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                  [url=]オメガ アンティーク[/url]

                                  Replica Designer Wrist Watches- Variation Involving Original And Replica Observe

                                  Since watches were primary invented and introduced, they've got under no circumstances misplaced their acceptance. The fact is these are tremendously elemental in drawing everyone focus to someone results and social place. All people desires to own a brand and layout that defines their persona and taste. The designer watches have been launched with this particular the concept. Considering the original manufacturers are very expensive most favor replica wrist watch and the replica designer watches. They're produced together with the exact make and specs as the unique brand but are very cheaper.

                                  Watches have at all times played an incredible purpose in the world of vogue add-ons. It had been initially meant for being a timepiece but quickly it grew to become a standing symbol. In olden days it was something which only rich could afford. As years rolled on a lot of manufacturers and designs were introduced in industry and it grew to become a little more of the fashion accessory. With brand watches their replicas also came in market place and soon replica wrist watch and replica designer watches became favorites of lots of vogue lovers. Men, ladies, little ones anyone has their particular decision and there exists a observe to suit every person require.

                                  Replica wrist observe just isn't a fake observe. In fact a replica may be regarded as the clone from the authentic brand in design and specification. They can be not highly-priced since they don make use of highly-priced metals and valuable stones as the authentic watches do. But the quality of material utilized is higher. The replica designer watches give exceptionally comparable superior quality as their branded counterparts. They will include every minute detail within the style and have exact same lifestyle span. The fake watches in spite of this could be less expensive but would not comply with all the superior quality specifications and will breakdown soon just after you buy them.

                                  The makers and dealers are so confident concerning the high quality of replica wrist watch that they tend not to hesitate to make available warranty on its buy. One can find quantity of dealers within this corporation and type the revenue they make it happens to be simple to determine the reputation of replica designer watches. From luxury replica to a straightforward one you'll find almost any view belonging to any brand. The demand these watches have in market place is encouraging the companies to replicate just about every new design. The affordable prices, large top quality along with the very same enticing style and design what else one particular can ask from a timepiece so similar to your genuine brand.

                                  Rolex, Omega, Breitling, Breguet and Cartier are a few of the leading manufacturers that happen to be extremely popular. Due to the substantial expense a lot of us never desire to acquire them nevertheless they also don choose to continue to keep waiting to have them. The replica wrist view provides them the exquisite layout they truly feel admiration for. One will not must surrender a considered of obtaining a view of their choicest brand just because within the price element. Replica designer watches will be the one which can make it attainable for any individual to dress in it. They'll beat the look and efficiency of the authentic brand.

                                  حذف التعليق
                                  • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                    [url=] オメガ アクアテラ[/url]

                                    The Omega observe industry

                                    Until in regards to the year 2000, an Omega view was a "????" to me. I had formulated an interest in room because of the fact that my father has been a rocket physicist and was involved with a considerable amount of area programs. I was glued towards the check or maybe a Tv every time there was a area launch.

                                    The same fervor that I share for area, I share for an Omega watch today, specifically to the Omega Speedmaster Expert, alias the Moonwatch. I had constantly held in awe, several of my acquaintances who sported the Omega Moonwatch, until finally I was told it had been not the unique but an Omega replica observe. I didn't know that replica watches have evolved so greatly, when my eye that has been seasoned in seeking at and admiring an Omega Moonwatch couldn't see the view worn by my acquaintances has become an Omega replica view.

                                    Late in 2000, when I had a chance to store to get a new watch for myself, I was fresh from college and just received a task, with all the to start with month's wages in my pocket. It was evident that my craving to very own an Omega Speedmaster has only improved. I decided to possess a have a look at the Omega website to shop for versions that suited my aesthetic senses and my pocket. I wanted an Omega observe, an Omega view that suited my character, symbolically and functionally. I came throughout the 40 th yr anniversary edition with the Moonwatch purchased out by Omega in 1997. Although it caught my senses and blocked them for a while, it honestly appeared to burn my pants along with my pockets. Nicely, I saw that I undoubtedly couldn't afford to very own it, but, it infused a sense of extreme interest in me to understand far more about Omega and Omega replica watches to ensure that I'll have the ability to put on one some day.

                                    My curiosity and analysis led me to on the list of most significant markets of Omega watches during the latest years, China. The fact that, the fundamental concept and performance of a watch should be to inform time and nothing at all a little more certainly is the fundamental principle with the Chinese or for that matter most markets globe broad. A watch is additionally a status symbol and also a vogue accessory in addition to a symbol of wealth, come to the fore once we come on the substantial really worth individual markets.

                                    During the markets of conspicuous consumption just like the far east or even the middle east, publicity of in which you bought something and for how much is way more essential the merchandise itself. So, the replica watches promote, because they're scarily near in resemblance for the originals with way more or less the exact same performance. The originals cost the earth plus the replicas give you almost all of the earth while not in reality burning your pockets. The moral dimension of acquiring an Omega replica watch is definitely a significant consideration. Shopping for a replica view is alot more akin to downloading cost-free music from the online. The unique manufacturers invest a good deal in producing, marketing and selling the merchandise and also the replica makers funds in around the reputation inside one or two weeks by offering at a fraction in the unique price. So getting a replica view may likely tantamount to stealing.

                                    Effectively, thinking about the fact that an Omega replica view looks beneficial on my wrist and appeals to my sense of significance, I needed to make a choice on my moral matters while shopping for it, no matter if to devote about $10000 on an original or purchase an omega replica observe at $200. Moolah is important and it continuously wins.

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                                    • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                      [url=]オメガ 腕時計[/url]

                                      Completing an ideal Look

                                      Are you seeking all-around and gradually realizing all people appears somewhat such as the kid that sat within the back of class with substantial glasses frames and knit sweaters? The brand new Geek Chic seem can be a substantial hit - right here are some techniques for wearing it flawlessly.

                                      There are some points to note ahead of grabbing your precise geeky glasses. The nerd-look seems to hold the motto: larger is greater, but you desire to be sure that that the frames you select fit your encounter correctly! A few of the customers sporting the tremendous geek glasses seem to fail to remember that they don want this perfect accessory to impair their vision. So, ensure that that your glasses aren weighing you down; and make sure they fit your face - both physically and structurally. Up coming, the best issue about Geek Chic is the fact that it might be incorporated into each of the contemporary style like unhappy emo, hipster, rocker, and even the classic preppy-look. Lastly - and this is often only for the women - you intend to be sure that your huge nerdy glasses don get covered in streaks of black mascara; that might unquestionably take away every one of the sophistication that youe endeavoring to portray!

                                      Choosing an ideal Geek Chic Frames -
                                      When attempting to come across the most efficient potential geek chic type for you personally, make note of one essential aspect: youe likely to need to go which has a complete frame. When you will have that down, just are aware that nerdy glasses will be broken down into a couple of categories: vintage, wayfarer, aviator, and simple round lenses (like John Lennon or Harry Potter are regarded for).

                                      Vintage frames consist of thick, dark plastic in addition to a rectangular lens; they're able to can be found in sound colors like black or brown, or even the ever-popular: tortoise shell. Wayfarer frames are incredibly in immediately, and may be pointed-out by their classy and constant horn-rimmed search. These frames are in style in just about any color attainable - the brighter, the improved! Given that the aviator look is still greatly in design, the designers integrated it to the geek chic vogue. If aviators are your personal preferred, have a look at a revised edition of them and get your geek on! Lastly, as Harry Potter is possibly essentially the most popular geeky character in public view nowadays, use him as being a superb reference when setting up your up coming pair of frames! The breakdown of those nerdy glasses will be spread by way of nearly all of the at present trendy styles and personalities.

                                      Makeup Tips -
                                      For all of the nerdy girls around: in fact you also prefer to keep incredible even though still pulling off your hip new fashion; so here are some advice for you. To start with and foremost, seeing that geek glasses are all concerning the greater, bolder plastic frames, make sure to not overdo it to the makeup. You desire to steer clear from becoming a lot of, and maintain it as neutral as you possibly can. Undeniably try to refrain from applying flashy creams and shadows that consist of glitter, as they can offset the reflection of the lenses. Moreover, as your day goes, it's feasible they could commence to shimmy their way down into you line of vision. Our final tip for eeking?up your look - specifically when sporting bold wayfarer frames - is to go for a daring bright color for the lips; this can help stability out your dark frames.

                                      So, despite the fact that designs are continuously transforming, eye glasses as being a style accessory have finally end up being a hit. Don have a necklace to go with your outfit? Just grab your glasses! And what with regards to the guys out there: have you ever wondered why you don get equipment in addition to the traditional: belt? Well, individuals days are long gone! If you should don have a small stash of glasses frames with assorted styles, cuts, or further: colors, youe significantly better get in existence swift!

                                      حذف التعليق
                                      • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                        [url=] オメガ アクアテラ クォーツ[/url]

                                        In relation to Dressing All Males Aren Equal!

                                        Despite the fact that Thomas Jefferson stated ll Men Had been Produced Equal? in the case of clothing and body style, this daring statement is absolutely false! Though guys have fewer curves, men bodies differ a great deal when in contrast to ladies, comprehending the way to dress up to your body kind in addition to the styles that has for being stay away from stands out as the solution to honing your individual fashion. A single factor must be stored in mind when youe looking for new garments, the match within the garment should always be your ultimate aim. If an high priced shirt, jacket or pants just isn perfect for your entire body style, its most definitely going to search awful on you regardless of what the cost tag! Conversely, a cheaper shirt or jacket that seems straight forward and fits properly, accentuates your assets and disguises the hings?which you don like about on your own will make you seem like a million dollar even without any an pricey cost tag. So 1 needs to learn about about the right way to dress up for your physique sort, to discover what outfits are most flattering for you personally.

                                        So coming to entire body variety, when you are a bulky guy; continue to keep far from horizontal stripes, as it will give a horrible consider the abdomen spot and for this reason horizontal strips of any kind must be averted. Go for trousers and shirts with vertical stripes, as vertical stripes draw the eyes downward, elongating your shape and visually offering you a slimming effect. Fits with pinstripes are best clothing for heavily developed or bulky males, and it goes very well having a crisp black shirt underneath. Pinstripe dress shirts will even seem great when it can be mixed with black trousers or dark colored jeans. For a informal wear, search out for any pair of dark corduroys with slim stripes which are produced from thin components, it will be sure to look wonderful! Double vented jackets must be avoided, as the slits within the back from the jacket have got to cover your bottom. But if you've a bigger behind which helps make you feel tiny self-conscious, then retain far from jackets and blazers that are double-vented, i.e., those with two vents on the back, as these cuts will draw interest for your posterior. So that you can camouflage your wider rear, go for single vented jackets or for jackets devoid of vents. For those who currently possess a double vented jacket which you adore, then an expert tailor have got to be able for making alterations at a relatively minimum expense.

                                        Order clothes which fits flawlessly, countless feel that clothing that's tight will flatten out pudgy shapes and smother imperfections. You must are aware that tight cloths will only draw focus to these flabby. Similarly plus size males think that baggy cloths will again hide these bulges - overly giant outfits will only make you look bulkier. The secret of getting a slimmer look will be to prefer outfits which are neither baggy nor tight, that means that all of your clothing have got to be just perfect without hugging or as well close

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                                        • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                          [url=] オメガ レイルマスター[/url]

                                          The entire world Is Going Crazy In excess of These Omega Replica Watches

                                          Ask any individual the place they're going to be going or what they shall be executing through the weekend and most of them will replay that they're going to obtain the brand new model within the Omega replica watches that may be gonna be launched on that day. This sort of craziness was certainly not witnessed before, but then have you ever noticed the good quality Omega replica watches readily available currently? Were they available prior to? The solution is no! Due to the fact they had been not readily available just before there was no query of people buying them and hence no display of public craziness.

                                          At present, every single other wise man or woman flaunts these watches proudly and lots of of them wear 1 at their home, one for their office and a single after they are attending a celebration. When they really need to attend two different events n precisely the same day, they'll put on two several Omega replica watches. They could dress in Omega planet ocean replica watches to their office and surprise their boss and colleagues. They might be wanting to know that he has to have won the lottery or his fianc must be incredibly wealthy. When he wears the replica Omega seamaster to the ballroom, other people that are dancing in there get envious of him.

                                          It is because the attentions of every one of the rather girls are turned in the direction of him and the eyes of some males as well. It is rare to see eyes not turning those that were the exact same view that was worn by James Bond, the Omega seamaster replica. This gentleman loves watches and he understands when to wear which one particular. He prefers to wear the Omega speedmaster white replica whilst at your house. Of late he has become observed of surfing the net to determine if you'll discover any new replica Omega watches for sale. These Omega replica watches have produced their statement not only in the number of chosen countries, but they can be found all over the world. One particular can unearth them over the internet therefore the same are available to 1 and all.

                                          It just requirements someone a bit of determination along with a little bit of passion ahead of they turn out to be a fan of these Omega replica watches. They resemble the original ones so closely, that no one will recognize that they are not the genuine stuff. Families just are unable to make out in the event the jewelries within the dial are truly unreal or when the casing is created out of gold. The master craftsmen who make the dials of these watches are specialists within their field plus they spare no pains to make sure the fake ones seem similar to the unique in all respects, in place of the jewellery. Even the artificial jewelry utilized in these Omega replica watches is with the most excellent high quality. Like the Omega replica watches, 1 can unearth replica jewellery and they are the ones which can be utilized in the Omega replica watches. Is it not time that you simply also browsed the net for these watches the coming Sunday?

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                                          • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                            [url=] オメガ アクアテラ[/url]

                                            Three Forms of Hublot Watches

                                            Hublot watches are branded watches on earth, which signify power and aesthetics. Hublot replica watches always always keep the exceptional concept along with the unique type in the perfect approach. Right here I'll introduce three kinds of new arrivals of Hublot view.
                                            ?br /> F1 King Electrical power
                                            ?br />
                                            ?br /> F1 King Electrical power has adopted Hublot exceptional King Gold material which puts the original formula of rose gold to the platinum material to keep the view case shining using the valuable metal glory. Within the position of twelve olock, there a brand of Hublot and F1. All of the perform windows imitate F1 motor vehicle dashboard. And also the rose gold hands are covered with long-lasting luminous materials.
                                            ?br /> MP-01
                                            ?br />
                                            ?br /> After the results of IG BANG? ING Energy?and LASSIC FUSION? Hublot view launched the fourth series---- MP-01 in 2011. MP-01 is made by a view building group which has thirty top rated watch makers. It the first barrel-shaped view whose watch case is created of titanium. The motion is additionally barrel-shaped which flawlessly matches the observe contour and its identify is HUB5100. The motion includes 384 elements and 43 bearing gemstones which can provide you with ten days?energy. It extraordinary the complex operation of your motion are usually witnessed obviously, because of the exquisite pierced view dial. The three timing hands are cautiously settled over the dial: 2nd hand is over the place of 3 olock; Minute hand is to the position of 9 olock as well as tiny second dial is on the place of six olock.
                                            ?br /> Vendome Tourbillon
                                            ?br />
                                            ?br /> Vendome Tourbillon is usually to celebrate the opening of Area Vendome boutique in Paris. Around the two sides of the observe, you can find two mini column decorations which represent the 200 many years?history of Place Vendome. The observe is outfitted using the different HUB6003 tourbillon motion. The 210 parts finished a intricate perform: conserve power for a lot more than five days. Theree two forms of designs, together with 5N rose gold material and black ceramic material.

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                                            • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                              [url=]オメガ デビル[/url]

                                              The Wide Range of Guess Watches

                                              Guess watches are identified for his or her excellent quality solutions and their broad range that they have come up inside their latest edition of watches. They are available in tremendous type and elegance for all age groups. The youthful mainly would be the ones who adore the Guess watches. There are numerous designs to the easy and the stylish. You could decide upon the ones who just like the finest in accordance to the selling price along with the design and style. The Guess view selling price in India is primarily based in accordance on the superior plus the style and design.

                                              The Guess 12558L Stephanie heart watch is often a feminine and enjoyable silver tone metal watch that comes in heart shape, that's 11/2 in x 11/4 in. casing that may be coated with stones. You receive silver sunray face and crystal inset quantity markers. The Guess watches price in India is Rs 6,250. The Guess U85038L 1 is definitely a feminine timepiece for all event. It includes white leather strap and buckle closure. The selling price of this observe is Rs. six,400. One other variety through the Guess watches would be the Guess Grey Rugby 85856G watches can be described as waterproof view for ladies that includes silver hyperlink band. It truly is manufactured in stainless steel round casing. This multi-function observe has sunray dial and hands and numerals can glow within the dark. The value of this view is Rs. three,500.

                                              The Guess males watches may also be quite renowned and are gaining recognition day by day. Their favorite ranges will be the Guess dress gents leather strap W70016G2 which comes at a selling price of Rs. six,050. The view comes in type and has white shade dial with brown strap. The case material is steel and the motion form is Quartz. The observe rate in India of Guess SLIM W85032G1 is Rs 7.200. This can be a white dial watch with silver strap shade plus the kind is analog with Roman numerical. The observe includes a steel casing materials and with movement style Quartz. The Guess men watch Guess dress gents bracelet W 11561G3 is actually a black shade dial observe with silver strap and metal casing and is a water resistant watch for 50 meters. You also obtain a calendar during the view. The value with the view is Rs. 9,000.

                                              The Guess glow silver strap watch from Guess is actually a women watch and that is priced at Rs. one,258 and it is a fold above strap. The situation material is manufactured of stainless steel along with the band material as well is stainless steel. The dial shade is silver and weighs only 60 grams.

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                                              • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                                [url=] スピードマスター オメガ[/url]

                                                The most efficient 3 Traditional Timepieces Of This Era

                                                For a while, vintage timepieces vanished through the awareness of trend setters and watch lovers. Nonetheless currently, it actually is generating a large comeback. The phrase vintage helps make two impressions in your thoughts: a cherished piece of timekeeping heritage plus a broken pocket watch from granddads dresser. The actuality sits someplace among the two. That broken pocket observe can surely be fixed to turn into a adored piece of mechanical engineering.

                                                It can be often acknowledged that antique timepieces will be the ones made in between the early twentieth century as well as the 1970s. There continue to get countless timepieces which are totally influenced by vintage styles. However, these can't be thought to be vintage largely considering the fact that a good deal more functions and contemporary inspirations have been integrated into it. When you're searching for real , listed under is known as a listing which will provide you with an concept within the best-buys in the marketplace.

                                                The Rolex Datejust

                                                No question about it, Rolex unquestionably certainly is the marquee when thinking about watches. This status comes with a large value though. The Rolex Steel Datejust is an exception. The vintage timepiece is classy, sophisticated, and includes a sensible price tag. When evaluating it with other vintage goods of its era, it should turned out to be evident that this certain view is definitely an superb steal. The informal lines and easy elegance with the brown leather strap, stainless steel case, and black dial is seldom noticed at the moment.

                                                The Pre-Moon Omega Speedmaster

                                                Never be fooled by its innocuous physical appearance, the Omega Speedmaster Pre-Moon has played a huge function in the progression of science and technology. This was the wrist watch utilized by astronauts within the Apollo program. There is certainly a further Omega version throughout the actual moon mission but if you would just like the unique source of its inspiration, this 1 may be the item to possess. It really is a single of your timepieces to become had within the most important time for humanity, making it possible for you to come to feel privileged to possess it.

                                                Patek-Philippe Timepieces

                                                Consider this, a brand-new will expense you twenty thousand grand. But a vintage piece, that's just as as effective, is only planning to value less than half that. The piece also has the chance to value several instances above as it becomes sought right after by traders. Genuine observe fans know superior quality when they see it. And it really is evident that Patek-Philippe, through the tremendously very first collections onwards, has it. Search beyond the over-hyped price-points of in the present day and encounter real vintage splendor by picking out a timeless Patek-Philippe timepiece.

                                                An outstanding view ought to last longer than a lifetime. Vintage timepieces may also be regarded as investment goods because of its traditional style and timeless capabilities. You should definitely advantage from very good vintage bargains any time you see them.

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                                                • غير معرفالخميس, مايو 02, 2013

                                                  [url=]オメガ デビル レディース[/url]

                                                  Leather Shoe Care Products You should Consider A Hold Of

                                                  A large number of say that when you've got gotten to invest on even just one pair of all leather pair of shoes, then you are extremely fortunate. The catch behind this really is you has to be aware of the way you would take care of it on a ordinary basis. Above the net, you can find a great deal of internet sites that might educate you on the suitable leather shoe care that you do for the very own pair. For those who use your leather pair on a regular basis, then it is crucial for you to prioritize cleansing and providing it focus each day too.

                                                  Right leather shoe care is important in order that the leather will not dry out until finally it cracks and falls apart. It should not simply make your sneakers appear first-rate nonetheless it may even help you to make your shoes final longer than the usual span of leather shoes. It'll be further practical to suit your needs if you ever retain your leather sneakers in first-rate affliction.

                                                  Similar to your sensitive skin, it could aid in the event you would use leather shoe care merchandise that will permit your material to breathe and bind better. Several of the most suggested items for leather sorts of footwear would be the saddle soap and adhere to it up with some mink oil as well. With this particular magnificent mixture, you could even expect your pair of leather footwear to be wanting as if you might have just bought them.

                                                  Yet another suitable leather shoe care products it is possible to go for will be the goop hand cleaner which you can easily usually find in automotive supply shops. Its a product which is waterless and will eradicate each of the grease and oil through the leather surface. You could make sure to assistance in cleansing your leather material without having damaging it. There's also the pine gum you could attempt that will camouflage all of the dents and scratches of one's shoes. It will be meant to make your leather sneakers restore its original look and color. There are also some waterproof goods that will continue to keep your sneakers from remaining overly moist throughout the winter season and may quite possibly result in a breakage. To produce it feeling soft and supple the many time, you ought to not overlook getting a leather shoe conditioner as well. But you should definitely have the highest quality shoe conditioner that could match the particular variety of leather shoe that you're operating on.

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